We live in a culture where people are more offended by muslim touching a dog, christians using the word Allah and women not covering their aurat than they are by famine, warfare, poverty, discriminatory policy, misuse of power and the destruction of our environment.
We live in a country where seeing a policeman makes us nervous rather than feel safe.
We live in a nation where maknyahs have less rights than rapists and pedophiles. It is perfectly okay to kill, discriminate and hurt them as long as you justify your action by quoting your holy scripture.
We live in a society where everyone is interested in politicians' sex scandal. We are not interested in bread and butter issue, the rise of criminal cases and our civil rights.
We live in a country where homophobes, racists, sexists and religious bigots like Ibrahim Ali, Zulkifly Nordin, Abdullah Zaik have the freedom to threaten non-malays, accuse chinese as intruders and incite malays to burn malay-language bible but ordinary malaysians like you and me can't even question the injustices in this country.
Fazrin Jamal
Saudara ku fahrin, Allah itu benar, syurga neraka itu benar, saudaraku fahrin da jauh tersesat sbnrnya, berdasarkn 90% dlm blog ni. Berdoala, berdoala kpd Allah S.W.T untuk diberi pertunjuk yg luar biasa pada diri saudara, saudara diberi fikiran permehatian tajam tetapi saudara da terpesong.berdoala kpd Allah untuk mmberi pentunjuk kpd saudara. Mintala bersungguh2, insyaAllah saudara akn dibukakn hati.hidup kita klo 100thun pun xda makna kalau ke neraka kekal selama2nya. Kes saudara mmg tidak boleh diselesaikn dgn permintaan normal, sy cadangkn saudara berdoa sunguh2 mohon pengalaman api neraka jika segala pikiran dan falsafah saudara salah, dan pngalaman syurga jika betul. Berdoala,"cabarla" mana2 tuhan yg saudara percaya supaya perkenankn doa saudara. Jika ditakdirkn kita berdua ke syurga, insyaAllah, sy akn melawat saudara, sy doakn kita berdua tidal ke neraka.. izinkn sy mlawat saudara dimana pun saudara akhir nnti, kerana sy benar2 berminat nk tahu fikiran saudara waktu itu, puas ati atau menyesal.. insyaAllah